JOSERA / terres’agentur

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Together with the Agency Terres, we spent a few days in the countryside, shooting a film for Josera. It’s a family owned business, tradition has value and corporate words like sustainability, innovation, responsibility and safety actually mean something.



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We just wrapped up a production for Infineon Regensburg. Great town! In case you ever think about relocating, you might want to check out Infineon. We did and we made a film about it.

KUKA / Weiskind

By | Allgemein

You get a call, meet the next day, get the job the following day and wrap it all up in the next 10 days. Planing, casting, shooting and post-production! We let you know how it all comes together. Weiskind is sweating it out with us once again! We are going to be just fine!


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It’s all about freshness. The location, the Weser Bergland, the company Petri Feinkost. We produced an authentic image film, where you can see and feel why Petri stands out when it comes to fresh herb cream cheeses.


By | Allgemein

It is all about social media these days, particularly when it is about recipes. Who doesn’t like to cook! Heimat Agency is responsible for it all. The outcome, 4 films which make your mouth watery.